Category Archives: Starting a Nonprofit

9 Things Every Nonprofit Startup Needs To Know

This blog was sponsored by BryteBridge Starting a nonprofit organization is a rewarding experience. Nonprofits meet the needs of underserved populations and ensure no one goes without essential services. But starting a business of any kind, especially a nonprofit, requires

What Form 990 Do You Need? A Nonprofit Guide

Tax season is complicated. You might think nonprofits would have an easier time, being tax-exempt, but that isn’t necessarily true. Every year, nonprofits are required to submit their Form 990, which is what allows the organization to maintain its tax-exempt

How and Why Nonprofits Need to Think Differently

It’s much easier to learn something completely new than to unlearn an old habit. Just ask any parent. It’s why children are taught essential functions at an early age: they haven’t yet learned the wrong way to do things. Movement,

How to Make People Believe in Your Cause

I’ve been spending an embarrassing amount of time watching ABC’s “Shark Tank” recently. But maybe I shouldn’t be ashamed—it’s inherently entertaining television. If you’re unfamiliar, Shark Tank features hopeful entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas to a panel of renowned business

What’s the Risk of Starting a Nonprofit?

As with any company, there’s going to be some uncertainty about the future when starting a nonprofit. If you want to keep your organization afloat, it helps to know how many of them fail, where they fail and why. This

How to Start a Foundation for Your Organization

A foundation is a private nongovernmental organization created for “charitable, educational, religious, scientific and literary purposes,” according to Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. It’s organized by a single source—like a family or corporation—which then distributes grants to help fund

The Benefits of Nonprofit Coworking

Coworking spaces have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and now most cities have an array of options for organizations looking for an affordable place to work. But coworking is a lot more than just prorated office space;

Why Competition in the Nonprofit Sector is Frustrating

For a long time, the nonprofit sector was largely insulated from the pressures of competition common in the for-profit world. As more and more organizations enter the nonprofit arena, however, attention from donors and volunteers becomes increasingly precious. Competition between

On Tragedy: A Note from Nonprofit Hub

We try not to involve ourselves in partisan politics, and for good reason: there’s no use in further dividing ourselves when we’re trying to positively impact the world. We’ll do our best to avoid the choppy waters of hyper-sensitive hot

A Brief History of Nonprofit Organizations (And What We Can Learn)

Though the idea of helping and giving back to others has existed since Biblical times, nonprofit organizations in the United States have a much shorter history. Every couple of decades, a new era ushers in a new set of ideas,