Category Archives: nonprofit fundraising

How Nonprofits Can Use Ecommerce Effectively

What connects all nonprofits is the need for fundraising and the need to reach out to people and connect with the community. As with almost anything in 2021, nonprofits can do that not only offline but online too. For example,

Ten Giving Ideas More Creative Than Cash

We’re approaching the most critical fundraising season for nonprofits. A lump sum cash donation with no designation would probably make your year-end giving dreams come true. But the reality is that the last year and a half has left many

How to Create a Nonprofit Business Plan

Could your organization use a nonprofit business plan? The answer is yes. Although the nonprofit sector doesn’t always work like the for-profit world and you might not think of your nonprofit as a business, having a business plan can boost

A Late Start Doesn’t Have to Mean Low ROI on #GivingTuesday

Late start on #GivingTuesday Planning? No worries. We have a guide that will help you maximize the days remaining until November 30th. Before we get started though, take a minute to look at the value of this pseudo-holiday to your

How Hybrid Fundraising Can Sustain Nonprofits

Enjoy this spotlighted blog from PayBee In 2020, fundraising looked a little different. Much of this was due to necessity as the COVID-19 pandemic forced many donors and supporters to stay home. Unable to continue raising support through traditional in-person gatherings,

Maximizing Social Engagement for #GivingTuesday

As vacations end, students return to school, and the final days of summer approach, your nonprofit is busy gearing up for your year-end fundraising strategy. At this point, you’re probably finalizing your plans for the year-end giving season and preparing

Investing in the Foundations of Fundraisers

Enjoy this spotlighted blog from Fundraising Academy Cause Selling Education Fundraisers in the nonprofit sector work in a complicated field. If I earned a dollar every time I heard about the need to bring new voices or new ideas to

How to Raise More Money: Fundraising Do’s and Don’ts

Enjoy this spotlighted blog from DipJar If only fundraising was as easy as “just” asking for money, right? Of course, when thinking about successful fundraising and building donor relationships, there’s a lot more to it. We chatted with Tiffany Allen,

Things Donors Want to Know, but Won’t Ask

Ever wonder if there are things donors want to know but won’t ask? In the midst of a fundraising campaign, you get accustomed to hearing the same questions over and over. It’s as if the same training protocols for buying

Good Finds For Nonprofits: DipJar

Each month we’ll bring you a new resource that we think could revolutionize the nonprofit sector—or at least your workweek. It may be an app, platform, podcast, or product that will help you do more good. This time, we’re looking