Category Archives: nonprofit accounting

Fundraising Across The Big Pond

It has been an extraordinary privilege to host 120 interactive webinars since March 2020 for our nationwide learning community of professional and volunteer non-profit leaders. This has given me the pleasure of getting to know and work with some of

How to Implement a Chart of Accounts for Nonprofits

How to Implement a Chart of Accounts for Nonprofits The first step is integrating a complete and cohesive Chart of Accounts (COA). The COA actively serves as both an index of account numbers and names and a resource for categorizing

[PODCAST] Scrappy Nonprofit Accounting

Why DIY Nonprofit Accounting is a Don’t The nonprofit sector is notoriously self-sufficient—and often a little scrappy—when it comes to nonprofit accounting. With the aid of Google and volunteers plus an unabashed passion for our cause, we attempt to do

The Accounting Basics Every Nonprofit Team Member Should Know

Financial literacy is an area where “fake until you make it” doesn’t apply. In a sector where budgets are typically tight, there is no position exempt from understanding some basic accounting principles. This blog will be a great place to