Category Archives: Featured

6 Summer Fundraiser Ideas for 2021

Is your organization in the process of planning a summer fundraiser? While fundraising during COVID times seems challenging, having an engaging and accessible event is still possible. Plenty of options are available—from outdoor events to virtual fun. Many traditional fundraisers

Sponsorship v. Donations: The Drawbacks and Benefits

Needing money is a common denominator among all nonprofits. We may do different things, serve different causes, or even operate in different areas of the world. However, we all need funds. Two of the tried-and-true methods for raising dough, sponsorships,

It’s Time To Reclaim Your Nonprofit’s Assets

This blog was sponsored by Escheatment Could your nonprofit have thousands or even millions of dollars in assets that it doesn’t even know about? It’s entirely possible, given the tangled maze of laws and processes relating to these unclaimed assets.

Maximize the Google Ad Grant with Keyword Research

Many nonprofits find themselves frustrated after acquiring the Google Ad Grant. They think that by acquiring the Google Ad Grant and creating a few ads, they’ll start spending $10K per month in free advertising and get thousands of website visitors!

Cause Camp Spring 2021 Recap – It’s Time To Think Bigger

Right now, it feels like the world has been turned upside down (and just like that, the song from Hamilton is playing in your head). That’s why it’s good to know that some things never change. Cause Camp was virtual

Good Finds for Nonprofits: Sortd

Each week we’ll bring you a new resource that we think could revolutionize the nonprofit sector—or at least your workweek. It may be an app, platform, podcast, or product that will help you do more good. This week, we’re looking

6 Skills Nonprofit Job Seekers Need to Have

Writing a flawless resume, winning the competition, and landing a job is never easy. It always requires marketing yourself the right way. And, often, simply showing your qualifications is not enough. This is true for the traditional job market. But

5 Ways to Build Meaningful Board Engagement

Nonprofit work may be the one arena where you’re expected to inspire your bosses as well as provide them with ways to serve and hold them accountable. It’s a tricky business. If your board is operating on autopilot or hardly

3 Ways to Build Trust with Donors in a Virtual World

How do you build trust with donors? These days, it can be easier to get the attention of thousands of little fish online than a few big fish right in your own pond. It’s the law of large numbers. With

How Can Leaders Support Boundaries?

Boundaries are needed in many areas of our lives: finances, relationships, friendships, how we spend our free time, and how we spend our time at work. Establishing them and sticking to them can be challenging. But, like a moat around